OK, so as some of you may know, for the first 6 weeks I was serving in the Lafayette 2nd ward, which really felt like home. Tons of members from SLC and surrounding areas, and it was a very active ward, and we had a blast there. But sadly we all must move on, and learn and grow from other experiences! So, I'm very happy to tell you all that I'm now serving in the Logansport Ward, in Logansport Indiana! What a Drastic change! I went from the 2nd largest area in the mission (geographically) to the largest! Yet the ward is small, tons of less active work to do (we have help), and several people that are already set with baptismal dates! So the ward is growing. The problem is that the ward boundaries are so spread out that it makes coming to church a very difficult thing for a lot of people. It's kinda fun though to see just how small a ward can be, and how loving they still are! Really neat, and humbling! I had to get up and give a talk this week, more of just a thought, and my testimony, but all the same it was good.
New Address: 815 S. 17th St. Logansport, IN 46949

New Companion: Elder Chance Edwards! OF Phoenix AZ! as i prayed for a new companion, i prayed it would be someone that I could get along with... and I was Blessed! Elder Edwards is 25 TOO!!! In Fact he was born just 2 days before me! So at transfer meeting it was kinda funny because we are the 2 oldest in the mission and are now companions! We've been able to see a ton of things that we have in common... Nearly the same eye sight, both were lifeguards growing up, close birthdays, and both have had to sacrifice a bit more than those around us to make it onto a mission. He is really nice, and very outgoing, I see that he truly is himself around people, and that makes him very likable. I have told myself to stop worrying what people are thinking about me, and just be myself, and have more fun, but that's hard. We have several people that are progressing in the gospel, and it's going to be fun to see them be baptised! We are teaching a 10 year old, who understand the gospel SO WELL!!! It's amazing how his spirit and mind grasp on to this, and crave it! Neat to see that even a young person can grasp the concept of a covenant even better than most adults!

We live in a house! We have the basement, (old rock foundation, and dirt floors) and the bottom level. We have a huge kitchen, washer and dryer, a dining room, (study room) and a front living room, a second study room, a bathroom, and then our bedroom! So really a 2 bedroom apartment, but it's big! A little about the Weather: If you don't like it, wait 15 minutes! It's so TRUE!! the other day it was raining cats and dogs! Literally went from dry to 2 inch puddles in about 15 min! then just as quick as the thunder started, the rain was over, and the sun came out, and was warm the rest of the day! Near 80! and HUMID!!! UGH!!! and the locals say the humidity hasn't even started but I'm for sure feeling sticky most days already!
So i said earlier that we have help with our less actives! We have the blessing of having a senior couple in our area, they work mainly on activation of less actives! They are Great! They are the Slades, from Star IDAHO! We had a talk about if they knew Pat and Steve, but they seem to think they are in a different ward... but i still need some information on Pat and Steve, mainly their address, they are interested in finding out where they live and try and place them in which ward they might be in... but kind of cool to have someone there that might know someone i might know...

There was a brother in the ward who asked me where I was from, and instantly asked if i knew an Elder Potter! It was cool to know that he had remembered Seth Potter from Lyman, even since it's been 10 years or so since he was in the area, but they have kept in touch, and have really like the Potters! anyway, that was kinda cool... The brother in the wards name is: Brother Lonni King. The potters may know him... kinda strange family ;) but most Hoosiers are....
A few observations: LAWN JUNK! I don't really want to call them ornaments, because they are junk, but everyone has them. They are named "hoosier_____" so for instance, there are these ceramic geese, which people dress up, aptly named "Hoosier Goose", and these orbs, glass orbs, sometimes sold at Walmart, and they are called a "hoosier ball", people also have Deer, fake ones in their yard... and in general JUNK!
My companion has this really cool connector, so I'm going to attach some photos... Things here are great, we are getting along really well, and are working hard. There is still so much for me to learn, and this transfer is going to be a great on, full of success!
I love you all, and wish you all the best, Stay Strong in the Church!
Ok so here are a few pictures of the landscape of West Lafayette Indiana! These were taken last transfer, and i hope you all like them... See how flat it is? and there are always trees around! We also took a shortcut on these old railroad tracks, kinda of cliche, but it shows how thick the trees are in places, most places!