Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8, 2012

It's new.....  ELDER WILSON! 

Well I'm still in Lafayette, serving on Purdue Campus!  It's been very fun so far, and the 3 months I've been here have really flown by.  A few updates on the area, we have had 2 baptisms in my time here, and we are now setting up for 3 more.  We have 1 that is very ready, and is just waiting on a confirmation about President Monson.  2 others that are waiting for more spiritual witnesses about the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith.  It's so neat to watch the spirit work with these wonderful people.  I have really come to love them all!   Elder Wilson and I were able to prepare a wonderful Zone Training meeting.  It's a 3 hour meeting that we are in charge of and it's just for our zone.  We unveiled a new "vision" for our zone, or a theme that will guide our next few months worth of work: "Why do I love them?"  In all the things that we do, ask yourself that same question.   Why do I love those kids in the back seat that are yelling and crying?  Why do I love those kids in my school class that disrupt everything? Why do I love my Husband/Wife?  It's put so much into perspective for me.  I have been asking this question multiple times a day, as we study and plan, and teach.  It's easy to find compliments, and begin to feel that genuine charity towards others.  I encourage all to come up with, or apply this vision to their lives.  It's been amazing! 

Not much else... conference rocked!   I hope we get new younger missionaries here!  I'd be excited to see how they do! 

Keep the faith!

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