Elder Rees flys out tomorrow morning for Indiana. He has enjoyed his time in the MTC and is ready to enter the real world experiences in Indiana. He would love to hear from you. His email is dallin.rees@myldsmail.net Please send him a short email so that he has your email address. Good luck Dallin! We can't wait to hear more about your adventures!
Elder Rees' last letter said..."There is not a day when we are not busy, and I'm loving it! I really know that this is how I want my entire mission to be is GO, GO, GO!! It makes the day go by faster, and I know that the spirit will reside with all of us based upon our diligence to not only the mission rules but to commandments! I have learned so much and have gained an even stronger testimony of teacher by the spirit and really teaching people and not just lessons!"
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