Blessings and Trials,
So I'm going to start out today and share that I've started the Book of Mormon over again! I finished it a few weeks ago, and have spent some time studying in the Bible, which is good, but I was missing the Book of Mormon so I started over. It is amazing how simple little principles are now jumping out.
For instance: Lehi is taught in a vision about the destruction of Jerusalem, and is commanded from God to go out and to teach the people the Gospel. Call them to repentance, and to keep them from being destroyed. He is obedient to those commands, but is chased out of town, is threatened, and doesn't see any success! HMMMMM..... Sounds familiar. But he was diligent and obedient none the less. Now because of his obedience, he's given a warning, and was commanded to leave with his family, and tent, to head out to the wilderness, which some people may see as a trial, which it is, but what a blessing to remove yourself from the temptations of the world, and be saved! Laman and Lemuel were obedient, but for the wrong reason.... You see them begrudgingly obey the commands of their father. You see Nephi valiantly accept the commandments, and performs them out of love for his father, and God, thus receiving the blessings his elder brothers forfeit because of their attitude of obedience.
I then get to see that with other missionaries, and people in general. Be Obedient to the commandments of God! We can do it with a happy and willing attitude and be blessed with all the blessings our Heavenly Father has, or we can be obedient for the wrong reasons, and miss out on all the growth and blessings in store for those who accept it. We may not always see the blessings of our work right off hand, we may feel like we are wandering in the desert for 9 years, sleeping in tents, and eating little food, but we are better off than being in captivity, being drug down to hell by the chains of satan.
Trials..... My Tooth is infected once again... Which means my Implant i had put in before I left, will now have to be pulled, and I'll once again live with a flipper... This = Trial.
Blessings: We had a wonderful baptism this week, and we are finding more and more people to teach. We also are helping others understand our purpose, and helping them think about the messages we share. The more questions we can raise in other peoples heads, the more the spirit has an opportunity to work on their hearts and minds to help them accept the messages we share. What a blessing that is! It's also a blessing not to have a full time job! :) To worry about money or rent or car payments, i love this simpler life of being a missionary. I love going to homes and having kids freak out because there are visitors in their home that haven't seen all their tricks! LOOK AT ME!! Going into church and seeing an investigator! Going into church and seeing a New Member be welcomed unanimously by the ward. Those are just a few...
I know that becoming a little more "Hoosier" and loosing a tooth will bring blessings! I simply have to have the right attitude as Nephi did, and follow with faith!
Thank you all for your love, support, prayers, letters and packages! It was great to have a letter from the Young's, full of sweet cards, and treats! Got your letter too mom! Thank you!
Well I love you all, and will have some pictures of my 6 month tie burning ceremony to share tomorrow!
Love Elder Rees
Saturday, August 6, 2011
July 25, 2011
2x4 Motivation...
We ate with the Vakalahi Family yesterday. They have 2 missionaries out they are both in Ohio, the next state over, and are in the same mission, their mom won't write them. i think it's a cultural thing, she seems to think that once they are out of the house they aren't her's anymore, Buut are the Lords and she doesn't need to talk to them or encourage them. no letters, packages, nothing. They are to focus on their mission. She's a nice lady but don't tick her off or you get a 2x4 to the head! Litterally her wooden spoon is a 2x4. She does love her kids it's just she knows the blessings of complete service. She spoils us though, that is how i know she loves her kids. If her kids were to come home early from a mission, they don't come home.... They wouldn't have a home to come home to... Kind of intense, but i appreciate her unyeilding values.
So thank you for your love and care and for the support prayers, packages, letters, and all the love from home, they help me, 2x4's don't.

We are so excited, we have a baptism coming up this saturday! It really has been a miracle! He was once anti-mormon, and has had his heart softened and has instantly given up smoking, and has accepted all of the commandments that we have committed him to live. He's amazing! He truly has been prepared, and is going to make a great member. Our only concern is that his wife may not be making the progress that he is, but we know that she wants to, but may not have the willpower to make it on her own.
Other miracle:
We were out visiting members, there are always so many members that we don't know or get to meet, so we usually plan to go and meet members, often times we run into active members and now get to put a name with a face. We went and knocked on a door of a member, they have 5 kids, 14 to 4, and are such a nice family, the mom is way active, but the dad isn't. We knocked and the dad answered and said instantly come in we have a job for you to do.
It turns out the just moments before our knock they (husband and wife) were talking about what to do for their sick daughter, she has a stomach issue, the doctors can't seem to figure out and it is preventing her from eating or drinking anything, and hasn't for the last couple of days. The family asked if we could give her a blessing. They were talking about seeking help from someone in the ward to come and perform the ordinance, because the husband isn't able to, and what a testimony to me that was. Each night we plan, and are supposed to plan by the spirit, the spirit will teach you all things which ye should do, so we try and plan activities based upon the impressions of our mind and our heart. That night was a testimony that we are following the spirit. Not all the time do I feel that way, because people aren't home, or we find a lot of rejection, but that night, we were in the right place at the right time, and prepared to perform the right ordinance for that family. we were able to teach them more about why we use oil, and the blessing that having the Priesthood in their home is. Truly a miracle.
The mission is going too fast! I am loving this area, still trying to figure out where people are, it's a big city, and has tons of streets, something i'm not used to, but it's coming. I have a wonderful companion, Elder Eames really is great! He is thinking always of others, and is a wonderful example of leadership in the mission. He just hit his 18 month mark, we are almost mirrored in time. We laugh alot, but work hard, and are obedient! what more can i ask for?
Something i'm starting, or want to start is to keep a little notebook with me, something small enough that can go into my pocket, and write down all the miracles that happen in the mission. I've said it before but all you hear in homecoming talks are the miracles of missions, and it's something that i'm recognizing even more. Miracles happen almost constantly, in your lives too, so keep track of them, value them for the tender mercies that they are!
We are in need of people to teach! We are spending more time finding people, and are seeking more people to teach from Members. It's a wonderful blessing to go to members and have them say, that their neighbors are good friends of theirs and have been asking questions, it has happened several times here and i realize that being at home that needs to be a bigger part of my life after my misison. We fasted for people to find this week, what a blessing i know that will be. We are excited to go out this week and witness even more miracles from our loving Father in Heaven.
Well Thanks for your love and support, keep track of the miracles in your life, and renew your covenants!
Love Elder Rees
We ate with the Vakalahi Family yesterday. They have 2 missionaries out they are both in Ohio, the next state over, and are in the same mission, their mom won't write them. i think it's a cultural thing, she seems to think that once they are out of the house they aren't her's anymore, Buut are the Lords and she doesn't need to talk to them or encourage them. no letters, packages, nothing. They are to focus on their mission. She's a nice lady but don't tick her off or you get a 2x4 to the head! Litterally her wooden spoon is a 2x4. She does love her kids it's just she knows the blessings of complete service. She spoils us though, that is how i know she loves her kids. If her kids were to come home early from a mission, they don't come home.... They wouldn't have a home to come home to... Kind of intense, but i appreciate her unyeilding values.
So thank you for your love and care and for the support prayers, packages, letters, and all the love from home, they help me, 2x4's don't.
We are so excited, we have a baptism coming up this saturday! It really has been a miracle! He was once anti-mormon, and has had his heart softened and has instantly given up smoking, and has accepted all of the commandments that we have committed him to live. He's amazing! He truly has been prepared, and is going to make a great member. Our only concern is that his wife may not be making the progress that he is, but we know that she wants to, but may not have the willpower to make it on her own.
Other miracle:
We were out visiting members, there are always so many members that we don't know or get to meet, so we usually plan to go and meet members, often times we run into active members and now get to put a name with a face. We went and knocked on a door of a member, they have 5 kids, 14 to 4, and are such a nice family, the mom is way active, but the dad isn't. We knocked and the dad answered and said instantly come in we have a job for you to do.
It turns out the just moments before our knock they (husband and wife) were talking about what to do for their sick daughter, she has a stomach issue, the doctors can't seem to figure out and it is preventing her from eating or drinking anything, and hasn't for the last couple of days. The family asked if we could give her a blessing. They were talking about seeking help from someone in the ward to come and perform the ordinance, because the husband isn't able to, and what a testimony to me that was. Each night we plan, and are supposed to plan by the spirit, the spirit will teach you all things which ye should do, so we try and plan activities based upon the impressions of our mind and our heart. That night was a testimony that we are following the spirit. Not all the time do I feel that way, because people aren't home, or we find a lot of rejection, but that night, we were in the right place at the right time, and prepared to perform the right ordinance for that family. we were able to teach them more about why we use oil, and the blessing that having the Priesthood in their home is. Truly a miracle.
The mission is going too fast! I am loving this area, still trying to figure out where people are, it's a big city, and has tons of streets, something i'm not used to, but it's coming. I have a wonderful companion, Elder Eames really is great! He is thinking always of others, and is a wonderful example of leadership in the mission. He just hit his 18 month mark, we are almost mirrored in time. We laugh alot, but work hard, and are obedient! what more can i ask for?
Something i'm starting, or want to start is to keep a little notebook with me, something small enough that can go into my pocket, and write down all the miracles that happen in the mission. I've said it before but all you hear in homecoming talks are the miracles of missions, and it's something that i'm recognizing even more. Miracles happen almost constantly, in your lives too, so keep track of them, value them for the tender mercies that they are!
We are in need of people to teach! We are spending more time finding people, and are seeking more people to teach from Members. It's a wonderful blessing to go to members and have them say, that their neighbors are good friends of theirs and have been asking questions, it has happened several times here and i realize that being at home that needs to be a bigger part of my life after my misison. We fasted for people to find this week, what a blessing i know that will be. We are excited to go out this week and witness even more miracles from our loving Father in Heaven.
Well Thanks for your love and support, keep track of the miracles in your life, and renew your covenants!
Love Elder Rees
July 18, 2011
Letter from a convert...
Hi Elder Rees I hope this finds you doing well. I am getting better I got sick with something called pleusey dont know if that is the correct spelling or not, but anyway it makes it rough to breathe at times. I am getting baptized this Sunday after church I didnt know if they would let you come or not I would be honored if they would cuz I really wanted one of the orginals to baptize me. I had my interview today and we talked bout everything that you both taught me I learned so much from you both and I miss you coming but I am so happy that you are able to carry on with your mission of bringing people closer to the Lord. I bet you will be happy to be back home with your family I cant imagine how you must feel without them I know you have a mission to do and tht takes your time but still. Well I will end this for now and make sure you get it later I will write more. May the Lord Bless you in everyway possible You will always be in my prayers Sister Jessica Mounce
Well I did it. I was bapitized it was incredible. I cant describe the feeling that I have in my heart. I wish that u could have been there. I will always be thankful for ur teachings nd your guidance that u gave. Life will be better and I know it. To be a member of this church is such a feeling of completeness really it is. Elder Savas bapitized me He was cool when I got to know him. The Elders r now workin with Tyanna and she is studying the gospel. She will be bapitized on July 31. Then they have to work on the boys LOL they are beening a little tougher I just hope that they will find their way I dont want to push them but I want them to make the right decision too. So they told me that u check ur emails on Mondays So I hope this finds u doin well and I hope ur mission is continuing with great blessing. You do good work and I know in my hear that you will be greatly blessed for it. The wedding is in October and we r beenin married in the Southern Indiana Ward in the church we decided. Thats were we both want to be Well I am sure I could go on and on but u only have so much time I will write some more this week. I am sure I will have more to say May the Lord keep you safe and give you the guidance that you may need. You r doin a great job I do miss u but I understand the job must go on. God Bless Sister Mounce
This is a letter from a lady that I've emailed about a few times ago. Her name is Sister Mounce and she's amazing. She sent me these emails, and what a boost they are. They have really helped me understand that the work goes on no matter where we are, and little efforts of our own, go on for eternity. The little things that we do daily, saying hi to a passing stranger, inviting non members to a church function, feeding the Elders/Sister, are little things that make Huge differences in the lives of those around us! I'm so excited to have been apart of this Sisters' life, and to have been blessed with such a wonderful friendship that will last for a long time after the mission!
Life here is Great, we have a baptism coming up on the 30th of July. A Part Member family, so we are getting the wife re-activated, and the Dad is getting baptised. He is soaking it up. He quit smoking before we taught him the Word of Wisdom, is committed to paying tithing, which is a difficult thing for him right now, and is excited to learn as much as he can! He's changing his friends, giving up a past life, all because he has been prepared by the Lord! We are now finding out that we need more people to teach, we are spending time studying how to be more effective "finders" and really rely on the spirit and the Lord to find those that will receive us. It's a struggle because 8/10 times we get, "I'm Catholic" which means nothing to 6/8 of them! It's a tradition and people don't realize our message as the truth, which makes me think i need to be more bold with them and really lay down the message clearly at their doorsteps.
I'm starting to realize also that there are so many miracles of being a missionary, and it's only now that I understand better what every return missionary says, "it was the hardest thing I've ever done." Daily it feels like there is something, some part of me that says I want to give up, but then we talk to someone, or I get a letter from a convert, and it changes to, "I need to be doing more!" You at home only hear the good stories, you don't ever get to hear of the disappointment when people don't come to church, or when you spend 3 hours tracting homes, and not one person is ready to hear the message of the Gospel. I am loving the work, I love days when we are busy, even if we face rejection at every door, we are busy, and are striving to include the Lord in all we do. My prayers are changing, and are changing me. I'm realizing that the Glory Stories that most missionaries share in homecoming talks are all around me, and I have to open my eyes to what the Lord is blessing me with daily.
I love you all, and am loving my time here on the mission, and am learning so many things that will help me down the road of life.
More to come later, I'll be sending some pictures home soon...
I love my Companion, We get along Great! This letter is also going to my mission president so i have to make sure he knows that "I hate my companion" I'll use some reverse psychology on him and see if he keeps us together! It would be amazing!
Well Love you all,
Thanks for all you do, the letters, emails, and packages are all great, and keep me going!
Hi Elder Rees I hope this finds you doing well. I am getting better I got sick with something called pleusey dont know if that is the correct spelling or not, but anyway it makes it rough to breathe at times. I am getting baptized this Sunday after church I didnt know if they would let you come or not I would be honored if they would cuz I really wanted one of the orginals to baptize me. I had my interview today and we talked bout everything that you both taught me I learned so much from you both and I miss you coming but I am so happy that you are able to carry on with your mission of bringing people closer to the Lord. I bet you will be happy to be back home with your family I cant imagine how you must feel without them I know you have a mission to do and tht takes your time but still. Well I will end this for now and make sure you get it later I will write more. May the Lord Bless you in everyway possible You will always be in my prayers Sister Jessica Mounce
Well I did it. I was bapitized it was incredible. I cant describe the feeling that I have in my heart. I wish that u could have been there. I will always be thankful for ur teachings nd your guidance that u gave. Life will be better and I know it. To be a member of this church is such a feeling of completeness really it is. Elder Savas bapitized me He was cool when I got to know him. The Elders r now workin with Tyanna and she is studying the gospel. She will be bapitized on July 31. Then they have to work on the boys LOL they are beening a little tougher I just hope that they will find their way I dont want to push them but I want them to make the right decision too. So they told me that u check ur emails on Mondays So I hope this finds u doin well and I hope ur mission is continuing with great blessing. You do good work and I know in my hear that you will be greatly blessed for it. The wedding is in October and we r beenin married in the Southern Indiana Ward in the church we decided. Thats were we both want to be Well I am sure I could go on and on but u only have so much time I will write some more this week. I am sure I will have more to say May the Lord keep you safe and give you the guidance that you may need. You r doin a great job I do miss u but I understand the job must go on. God Bless Sister Mounce
This is a letter from a lady that I've emailed about a few times ago. Her name is Sister Mounce and she's amazing. She sent me these emails, and what a boost they are. They have really helped me understand that the work goes on no matter where we are, and little efforts of our own, go on for eternity. The little things that we do daily, saying hi to a passing stranger, inviting non members to a church function, feeding the Elders/Sister, are little things that make Huge differences in the lives of those around us! I'm so excited to have been apart of this Sisters' life, and to have been blessed with such a wonderful friendship that will last for a long time after the mission!
Life here is Great, we have a baptism coming up on the 30th of July. A Part Member family, so we are getting the wife re-activated, and the Dad is getting baptised. He is soaking it up. He quit smoking before we taught him the Word of Wisdom, is committed to paying tithing, which is a difficult thing for him right now, and is excited to learn as much as he can! He's changing his friends, giving up a past life, all because he has been prepared by the Lord! We are now finding out that we need more people to teach, we are spending time studying how to be more effective "finders" and really rely on the spirit and the Lord to find those that will receive us. It's a struggle because 8/10 times we get, "I'm Catholic" which means nothing to 6/8 of them! It's a tradition and people don't realize our message as the truth, which makes me think i need to be more bold with them and really lay down the message clearly at their doorsteps.
I'm starting to realize also that there are so many miracles of being a missionary, and it's only now that I understand better what every return missionary says, "it was the hardest thing I've ever done." Daily it feels like there is something, some part of me that says I want to give up, but then we talk to someone, or I get a letter from a convert, and it changes to, "I need to be doing more!" You at home only hear the good stories, you don't ever get to hear of the disappointment when people don't come to church, or when you spend 3 hours tracting homes, and not one person is ready to hear the message of the Gospel. I am loving the work, I love days when we are busy, even if we face rejection at every door, we are busy, and are striving to include the Lord in all we do. My prayers are changing, and are changing me. I'm realizing that the Glory Stories that most missionaries share in homecoming talks are all around me, and I have to open my eyes to what the Lord is blessing me with daily.
I love you all, and am loving my time here on the mission, and am learning so many things that will help me down the road of life.
More to come later, I'll be sending some pictures home soon...
I love my Companion, We get along Great! This letter is also going to my mission president so i have to make sure he knows that "I hate my companion" I'll use some reverse psychology on him and see if he keeps us together! It would be amazing!
Well Love you all,
Thanks for all you do, the letters, emails, and packages are all great, and keep me going!
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