We ate with the Vakalahi Family yesterday. They have 2 missionaries out they are both in Ohio, the next state over, and are in the same mission, their mom won't write them. i think it's a cultural thing, she seems to think that once they are out of the house they aren't her's anymore, Buut are the Lords and she doesn't need to talk to them or encourage them. no letters, packages, nothing. They are to focus on their mission. She's a nice lady but don't tick her off or you get a 2x4 to the head! Litterally her wooden spoon is a 2x4. She does love her kids it's just she knows the blessings of complete service. She spoils us though, that is how i know she loves her kids. If her kids were to come home early from a mission, they don't come home.... They wouldn't have a home to come home to... Kind of intense, but i appreciate her unyeilding values.
So thank you for your love and care and for the support prayers, packages, letters, and all the love from home, they help me, 2x4's don't.
We are so excited, we have a baptism coming up this saturday! It really has been a miracle! He was once anti-mormon, and has had his heart softened and has instantly given up smoking, and has accepted all of the commandments that we have committed him to live. He's amazing! He truly has been prepared, and is going to make a great member. Our only concern is that his wife may not be making the progress that he is, but we know that she wants to, but may not have the willpower to make it on her own.
Other miracle:
We were out visiting members, there are always so many members that we don't know or get to meet, so we usually plan to go and meet members, often times we run into active members and now get to put a name with a face. We went and knocked on a door of a member, they have 5 kids, 14 to 4, and are such a nice family, the mom is way active, but the dad isn't. We knocked and the dad answered and said instantly come in we have a job for you to do.
It turns out the just moments before our knock they (husband and wife) were talking about what to do for their sick daughter, she has a stomach issue, the doctors can't seem to figure out and it is preventing her from eating or drinking anything, and hasn't for the last couple of days. The family asked if we could give her a blessing. They were talking about seeking help from someone in the ward to come and perform the ordinance, because the husband isn't able to, and what a testimony to me that was. Each night we plan, and are supposed to plan by the spirit, the spirit will teach you all things which ye should do, so we try and plan activities based upon the impressions of our mind and our heart. That night was a testimony that we are following the spirit. Not all the time do I feel that way, because people aren't home, or we find a lot of rejection, but that night, we were in the right place at the right time, and prepared to perform the right ordinance for that family. we were able to teach them more about why we use oil, and the blessing that having the Priesthood in their home is. Truly a miracle.
The mission is going too fast! I am loving this area, still trying to figure out where people are, it's a big city, and has tons of streets, something i'm not used to, but it's coming. I have a wonderful companion, Elder Eames really is great! He is thinking always of others, and is a wonderful example of leadership in the mission. He just hit his 18 month mark, we are almost mirrored in time. We laugh alot, but work hard, and are obedient! what more can i ask for?
Something i'm starting, or want to start is to keep a little notebook with me, something small enough that can go into my pocket, and write down all the miracles that happen in the mission. I've said it before but all you hear in homecoming talks are the miracles of missions, and it's something that i'm recognizing even more. Miracles happen almost constantly, in your lives too, so keep track of them, value them for the tender mercies that they are!
We are in need of people to teach! We are spending more time finding people, and are seeking more people to teach from Members. It's a wonderful blessing to go to members and have them say, that their neighbors are good friends of theirs and have been asking questions, it has happened several times here and i realize that being at home that needs to be a bigger part of my life after my misison. We fasted for people to find this week, what a blessing i know that will be. We are excited to go out this week and witness even more miracles from our loving Father in Heaven.
Well Thanks for your love and support, keep track of the miracles in your life, and renew your covenants!
Love Elder Rees
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