Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 7, 2011

Well family, I have wonderful News....  After waiting 9 months my 'boy' has officially arrived!   No, I'm not dating anyone, and it's not a baby!!  it's my new Companion...   He's 19, Named Elder Rivest.... (I always want to say RIVESTA, with a little bit of flare on the "a") he's from Orem Ut, and has been such a blessing to my mission!  ha!  I love how much this sounds like I've had a baby! 

Here is his picture!  

We are working hard here in Crawfordsville, and he's been lucky we haven't had too many people come and yell at us, or too many doors slammed in our face!  We actually set a new baptismal date for December, and have found 4 new investigators this week!  OH MY!  I wish my first week was like that!  But it just goes to show that Miracles come after Faith, and new missionaries are so full of faith it's amazing to see the miracles that come because of it. 

I'm still swollen...  I called our mission Dr. and he checked out my lab work, and has recommended i see a Rhuemetologist, i hope i spelled that right, and see what he thinks of my situation.  I hope that they can figure something out and get me not looking like the "Michelin man."   I know things will work out the way they are supposed to, and I'll be able to continue working in full force.  The swelling and pain really haven't slowed me down, but have been annoying. 

As far as anything new, not much.  We are working... It's so much fun to see a new missionary try out things, and be bold, and talk with people.   It's such a new experience and it is fun to feel of their growth and watch them learn a little bit. 

It's so hard to imagine that it was almost 1 year ago, (Nov 10) that I got my mission call to indiana, and now here I am, 9 months out!  Crazy how fast that time has gone by!  I have loved learning the lessons you can't learn any where else but in the field! 

By the end of my time with my greenie, i'll have been out for 12 months!  WOW!  Time flies! 

Well We have a super busy day planned, and We've got to get running!

I love you all, and love getting those packages!  (mom, jodi, and Gma!)  Thank you!

Mom keeps me pretty informed about the happenings in in the family, but it's always great to hear more details! 


Elder Rees

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