Tuesday, May 8, 2012

April 30, 2012

Hey Family!

Well, another beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Really, the weather here has been great!  One thing that I love here is the rain storms.  There is great lightening, and thunder, and then you'll get absolute downpours!   Days when it's raining I'm so glad to have a full time car! 

Well we have been busy, and not so busy this week.  I have emotionally and spiritually be doing so much better than a few weeks ago, and that has truly come because of the power of Prayer.  I have for sure been lifted by prayers from family and friends back home, and here on the mission, and have realized more and more my lack of truly praying.  I am very good at ordering food from a menu at a restaurant... I know how I like it, and will order food that will meet my needs and wants.  I was approaching prayer in this way...  Well those of you that have kids will know this principle, come dinner time, "I don't like this....  It's gross!  I want Cereal"  My prayers are/were much the same way.  All i want is the sugary goodness of blessings, and not the crunchy vegetables that will help my body be stronger.  Parents know what is going to be best for their kids, and God is no different.  Trials are a way of growing!   My prayers have been so much harder to do...  They are now very hard work.  I still struggle, and find myself placing orders some nights, but other times it's been amazing to feel the love of God come into my heart.

Here is an example of a neat thing that has happened because of prayer.

We are teaching a man that is on house arrest...  His wife went back to work to support their 5 kids and him, but she was only working through a temp agency.  The agency cancelled her job for at least a month.  They were already behind on most bills, which is the first time this has ever happened in their lives together.  He struggled to find a job because of his situation, and put it off and allowed their family to kind of squeak by, but now the situation became very real for them, they needed an income, or their electricity would be shut off, thereby turning off the home detention box, and he'd be in violation and would be sent to jail.  He called us one night and expressed his frustration, and said it wouldn't be a good night for an appointment...  I kindly said NO!, we are still coming over!  To which he responded nicely, and welcomed us over.  We discussed 1 Nephi 8, and reviewed the neat things contained in that chapter, and then came time for the closing prayer.  He invited me to say it.  So, I didn't hold back.  It was a time when I truly felt that I was communicating with God, and from the moment I started I knew He was listening!  A truly indescribable feeling.  I opened up and called down blessings, that he'd find a job, and would be able to keep providing for his family, and that they could continue to see blessings and feel of the Holy Ghost more in their lives.  We concluded the prayer, talked about the feelings of Joy, Peace, and Happiness we all felt.... obviously the spirit was there greatly!   The next day we got a call in the evening from our investigator.  He said he woke up, got online, made 1 phone call, and secured a job!  He would be starting tomorrow, and that he was going to be able to pay his bills.  Greater miracles worked out.  In order for him to get to work he needed gas, but they also needed food... In some old clothes he found a gift card, and was able buy food with that for his family to make it through the week and was able to use the other money to pay for gas so he could travel to work.  God is real.  So are miracles, this is a great miracle!  He hears and answers prayers.  It's hard to describe the feelings of the spirit when praying, but we prayed according to the will of God.  These are all righteous blessings that have resulted in an increased testimony of His existence.  One of my most powerful experiences on the mission for sure. 

I have to push myself every day to repeat the steps of actual communication with God, and not everyday is it this powerful, but I know it can be if needed. 

Well best run!

Love you all! 

Love Elder Rees

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