Monday, October 10, 2011

September 19, 2011


OK, Well it's Harvest Season, and the Corn is as big as it's going to get.  There are Corn Fields EVERYWHERE!!!  I mean really they are all over, they get squeezed in, in the most crazy places.  Well the Corn in mostly all dried out, and it's time to harvest.  The type of corn here is not used for eating, but more for Feed, and for Ethanol....  but before it went away for the year i figured I'd better snap a few pictures and really show you all just how big the corn can be.  So here are 2 pictures that i hope will show you just how tall the stalks are!  Well over 10 Feet!  and then another (sunset one) to show you the contrast with the corn field, and a field next to it (soybeans, also everywhere). 

Well Today was transfer calls, and we are Both going to be staying for at least another 6 weeks.  Elders in the past have spent a lot of time here...  One elder was here for 9 months of his mission, so there is a possibility that I'll get to be one of those, ( i sure hope not, i like moving).  We sat down with the bishop yesterday, and expressed our love for the ward, and our desire to help as much as we can, and I'm sure it's going to pay off.  We have been pointed in the right direction as far as people to go and try by, and people to start to work on as far as re-activating.  One of those families is a Part member family, where the 10 year old daughter isn't a member.  We were able to meet with her 2 times and have set a baptismal date of 10/8/2011, we are so excited to be a part of her special day.  This girl is so smart, and the family is the most "active" Less actives I've ever met.  They all have solid testimonies, and are keeping all of the commandments, but have allowed a simple offense to take them away from renewing their covenants on a regular basis.  They are a wonderful family.  We got to help unload a few hundred bales of hay, and I loved it.  I want to be a farmer... (only for a few hours, then I'll be bored). 
Life here is good, there are so many people that are here that have expressed some interest in having us come back and to teach them.  I hope and pray that, that wonderful blessing of being a full time teacher will continue.  I'm beginning to enter a different phase of missionary work....  For the first 6 months I've been concerned with getting to know the What to do, and now I'm wanting to learn more and more the How, and Why? of missionary work.  There are so many times i want to understand the process, and not just go out and "do work."  It's been good to have Zone Leaders, and District Leaders who are here to help me in my understanding. 
My companion is great, we are working hard, and are being blessed.  Thank you for your letters, emails, and pictures!  It's really great to see all of your families, and see just how big everyone is getting. 
I hope you enjoy the pictures of your missionary in Indiana.  There are so many times i wish i had my camera, but am missing it.  The Sunsets out here are amazing, and my little camera just doesn't do the colors justice. 
The time here is Flying BY!!!  I look at the calendar and it's almost at month 8 for me....  I now only have 3 more transfers till my year mark! WOW! 
Oh, other good news:  54-10  FOR THE U!!    I must say my Sunday morning got very good when our Ward mission leader picked us up for church and said he was tired because he was watching the game...  the words of a hymn came to my mind "oh how lovely was the morning, radiant beamed the sun above."  Oh, good times.  There are so many BYU fans here so it was great, I only wish i would have wore my red tie to church to show my true colors.  
Well Got to run, I love you all, and appreciate all of your prayers and love and concern.  
Love Elder Rees   

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