Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 11, 2012

PBS!!! OK, Well here is this weeks post... We have had a pretty good week, we have worked hard, and are glad to have been able to find a few more people to teach!  We hope that they will progress well, and if we stay in tune with the spirit we should have no problem with that! Elder Horikami and I are getting along very well.  We have a lot in common, and are able to talk with each other.  It has also been fun to spend more time out tracting!  We have had some pretty hot weather, but overall not unbearable.  The humidity is what makes it really bad, and the weather hear has been pretty dry.  We have found some wonderful people that are allowing us to come back.  It's kind of a law of tracting.... if you want to find families, tract where families are!  We have found some really great people and hope to make more of them investigators as well.  It's always a weird interaction... I still haven't figured out how people have us knock on their door and invite us to come back...?  I truly know that the spirit is apart of  this work! PBS KIDS!  Well part 2 of our week is we got to go and do a service activity at Military Park downtown.  PBS puts on a free event for families every year, and each year the missionaries in the Indy North and Indy West stakes get to participate!  It was pretty crazy!  This park was set up with a ton of booths from other vendor giving out free things for kids, and helping families out... We as the missionaries got to participate in the "meet and greets."  There were a few characters from  the different PBS shows and kids got to come up and take a picture, and hug and kick and scream and cry, as their parents encouraged them to stand still...  We got to cover the "Clifford" tent, and it was pretty cool, most of the kids seemed to warm right up to the big red dog, but a couple went kicking and screaming for their picture.  We were really there to help support the people in the suits.  They NEED a break after 30 minutes, so we had to be the ones to cut off the line of people and allow our characters time to go and cool off!  It was like 87 degrees this weekend so when they stepped out of their suits they were dripping wet with sweat!   A few years ago it was 95 degrees and "Clifford" said he'd lost 7 pounds that day!  While drinking water near constantly from his Camel-back!  It was fun to interact a little bit in a different way with the public of Indiana, their kids were crazy for some of those characters!  HMMM.... Not much else...  We are finally starting to see some real efforts by members in our ward to make the ward more friendly!  It was good to see them at church on Sunday as they mingled, and greeted people at the doors!  It's something that is going to help change the culture of the ward, and help the people really fellowship the new members, or investigators in to a ward family.  The people are willing we just have to ask them to participate!  Well the weather today is pretty overcast, warm and HUMID!  It's almost as if you can feel the air... anyone that's spent time out in the Midwest or the south can tell what I'm talking about!   Super uncomfortable.  Well I'd better run!  It has been great to chat with you all, and thanks for the letters and prayers they are helping! Love you tons Love Elder Rees

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