Tuesday, May 3, 2011

But Wait there's More!!

OK readers, here it is, can you believe it, 3 months!  Hasn't it flown by!!!  WOW, I sure think so!   There are so many things that have happened but I'm going to share a few big ones this week!   So, Sunday mornings we usually have church at 9, and we have a meeting with our Ward Mission leader at 8 (cool guy, former SP)  anyway, we are sitting in this meeting, and our Senior Couple informs us that they are being transferred!!!  It's going to add a ton of work to us, they took control of most of the less active work for the ward, and made it so we could focus more on finding and teaching, now we'll have to incorporate a bit more re-activation into our daily work.  We also got visited by all 3 members of our Stake Presidency...  Which totally meant that something big was happening.  So we got into sacrament meeting and were informed that our bishopric was being released...  WOW!  They have been in for about 5 years so it was time for it to happen, but instead of calling another bishop, they called a Branch President...  That's right we are now a branch...  Our ward has decreased in size and activity, and now falls under the numbers of a branch...  The ward took it pretty rough.  For most of the day they were pretty quiet, and were thinking about the huge changes that had just taken place, and more to come.  They are also looking at redoing our ward boundaries, and that means that 2 of our more active families will be going to a new ward...   So in Recap, Ward to a Branch, New Branch Presidency, Senior Couple is Leaving, and New Ward Boundary changes... 
But Wait there's More!!
We were truly blessed to be apart of a Baptism this week!!  There are pictures here, this is Kaelan, and his family.  Kaelan is 10, and is home schooled, (kinda weird kid socially) and is super smart!   I was asked to say a prayer at his baptism, and also to play the piano!  That's right I played the Electronic piano, so i picked the hymn/song, and hit a button to play the intro, and a 2nd button to start each verse of the song...  SO i didn't have to do too much, but it takes a good bit of timing to make it sound like I'm really playing.    I have actually been practicing in the "Hymns Made Easy"  Songbook, and have gotten pretty good at a few of them, and am getting more comfortable with playing with both hands...  Practice makes perfect!  :)  
So that brings my Total for Baptisms up to 2...  my first one was at the beginning of my first transfer.  The previous Elders had his baptism all set up, but we are the ones that get credit for it because we were the elders at the time of the ordinance. 
But Wait there's More!!
We have 3 other people that are getting really close to baptism as well, and have really grown a lot in the last few weeks that we have been here and have worked with them.  I'm so glad to realize that even though we are teaching them lessons, they are learning more in their personal studies, and prayers.  It just goes to show that we do little in the conversion process, but it's by the spirit that they really gain a testimony. 
Mothers Day is only a few days away, so get your mom a good Card, and even better Share with her your Testimony.  I've really come to understand better what the importance of the calling of a Parent really is, and their main purpose is to teach you the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  What better gift than to share with them your testimony, and to live the Gospel standards as best we can!  Thank you mom for your example, and your discipline in helping us learn the correct Gospel Principles, and teaching us how to apply them.
I'm very excited to be out here on a mission, and to learn a ton already in 3 short months about a lot of different aspects of the gospel, I'm very glad to say that there is more to learn, and things to practice in the next 21 months. 
I miss you all, and am so glad to be out here, and to have my testimony strengthened so much daily!   I hope you all are studying the Gospel Principles, and focusing on a relationship with your Father in Heaven, that is the most important relationship we can have, and will strengthen all other relationships we try! 
Keep the Faith, Read hard, Pray Harder! 
Love Elder Rees

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