I'm really glad that this last week my email was pretty full! Thank you all for the notes, even if they are short they are such a boost to get in and see so many names in my inbox. As you know from last week, transfers happened and I got a new Companion. His name is Elder Savas ("a" like Sabbath), I always try to fancy his name up, but it's just like it looks, short a sound on both A's... So Elder Savas is from Sandy UT... He lives just at the mouth of Little Cottonwood, which means he used to live right by where i used to work when working for the bank, he would shop in the Smiths where i was working all the time... Who knows maybe we could have seen each other before now. He is the oldest of 4, and is a very obedient missionary, and is setting a wonderful example for me, and is really teaching me how to be a better missionary. He's 21 and almost ready to come home in august, but first we have to baptise a few people out here! I think i attached a picture of him shaving... I needed one to add to this here so i took a quick one this morning.
Here is my BYU cake, every Elder gets one...
as you can see I'm not too thrilled to be supporting the Y...
which came back to bite me in the back.... we had some left overs sent home with us, and my back pack fell into the frosting as we pulled out of their house... so what better way to take care of it...
The last 2 are of the Whitetail deer! I've been wanting to see a buck but they are pretty elusive. We cruise so many miles of corn fields so I'm sure I'll see one soon, but here are the few that we do see. We were pretty far away, but we still got a good picture of them. I'm amazed at how much smaller they are than Mule Deer from back home.
The work is now picking up. We have a bid need to refill our teaching pool, and that means we get to spend some time tracting, and meeting new people to teach. There are tons of people we walk by everyday, and most are nice, but we got the unique experience of meeting someone who threatened our lives. He was outside near his garage, and we took 2 steps up his driveway, and he swore at us and said if we took any more steps we'd "get killed." Nice fellow.
There is so much to say, but it all seems so trivial to me. We get to have experiences daily, that remind me just how thankful I am to have the knowledge about the Gospel, I've said it before, but how hard it would be to convert to this gospel. I'm glad to have been raised in it, and to have my testimony strengthened daily by those we are teaching. It's easy to see their testimonies grow, from an outside perspective, but as I reflect on my own, it has grown so much too!
Thanks for all your love, support and prayers!
Love Elder Rees
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