Send me an email at...
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
September 6, 2011
OK, so with a Double Emergency Transfer we have been super busy! We have been going around like crazy trying to get to know as many people as possible. There are so many things that I'm neglecting as a senior companion and feel like I'm forgetting to enjoy the work. We have met several people this week who are very promising, but then we went to one today, and she asked us not to come back...? We saw her looking over her shoulder as if her husband would have beat her if he knew we were there.... Sad. But what can we do.
We have been welcomed so much by the ward, and have really loved getting to know the people here. They are so strong in the church and in there testimonies. With the holiday yesterday we are emailing today, and we should have come this morning, but we are now here and struggling with time to get this done. Sorry this email will be so scattered.
Good news: we set a baptismal date with one of our investigators for 9/1/2011, we are excited and as long as he shows up for church on Sundays we'll be good to get him wet! He has a a really strong testimony and we are excited to help him make that covenant. We have been working hard to get to know some of the Less actives, and the Part member families in the ward, and there are several whom we can make appointments with, and help others get baptised as well. We are hoping to set more baptismal dates in the very near future, as long as agency doesn't get in the way... (teasing).
Well next week I'll be sending some pictures via email, i got a converter that will help me upload pictures on any computer so it will be great to send some and save on printing them out.
Well sorry this is going to be so short! We have NO TIME!!! EVER! We have been blessed with many new contacts, but we simply need them to keep appointments, and then we'll really count our blessings.
Love Elder Rees

This is the pet I want when I get home.

Me with the "Spirit"

Our car after our wreck!
OK, so with a Double Emergency Transfer we have been super busy! We have been going around like crazy trying to get to know as many people as possible. There are so many things that I'm neglecting as a senior companion and feel like I'm forgetting to enjoy the work. We have met several people this week who are very promising, but then we went to one today, and she asked us not to come back...? We saw her looking over her shoulder as if her husband would have beat her if he knew we were there.... Sad. But what can we do.
We have been welcomed so much by the ward, and have really loved getting to know the people here. They are so strong in the church and in there testimonies. With the holiday yesterday we are emailing today, and we should have come this morning, but we are now here and struggling with time to get this done. Sorry this email will be so scattered.
Good news: we set a baptismal date with one of our investigators for 9/1/2011, we are excited and as long as he shows up for church on Sundays we'll be good to get him wet! He has a a really strong testimony and we are excited to help him make that covenant. We have been working hard to get to know some of the Less actives, and the Part member families in the ward, and there are several whom we can make appointments with, and help others get baptised as well. We are hoping to set more baptismal dates in the very near future, as long as agency doesn't get in the way... (teasing).
Well next week I'll be sending some pictures via email, i got a converter that will help me upload pictures on any computer so it will be great to send some and save on printing them out.
Well sorry this is going to be so short! We have NO TIME!!! EVER! We have been blessed with many new contacts, but we simply need them to keep appointments, and then we'll really count our blessings.
Love Elder Rees
This is the pet I want when I get home.
Me with the "Spirit"
Our car after our wreck!
August 29, 2011
Ben Hur...Really?
Hey Friends and Family!
Welcome to Crawfordsville, Claim to fame is "Ben Hur" really go look it up! Right here in my little town. Other cool things, Wabash College for men.... an all boys private college.... Apparently it's pretty prestigious, but I hadn't heard of it, it has about 900 guys that attend.

Ooooh, there is also found here 2 of the Biggest Anti-LDS churches in the world here. They make annual trips to Manti for the pageant, and i think some even go to SLC for conference. I got to talk to one the other day... He asked me about Joseph Smith's 29 wives, and how 11 of them had other husbands that weren't dead, and how come i followed a prophet who had committed adultery.... It's going to be a fun transfer, and I'm going to learn a lot about Anti material.
I'm now Serving with Elder Magleby. He's from Provo UT, and has been out Exactly the same amount of time as me! That's right We were in the same MTC District together. He's great! He's a totally different missionary from the MTC. He used to fall asleep in class, and now he's so Obedient, and motivated, and really loves the work. We are going to work hard together, and get along pretty good.
We did get Emergency transferred in, but for reasons that are unknown to me. All we were told is that the past missionaries weren't working well as a companionship, and that a change had to be made immediately... So we both got moved in here.
We have been here for less than a week, and it's going pretty well! We have a wonderfully supportive ward, and bishopric, and we have several people who are prepared for baptism, or will be soon. 2 of them are non members that are attending Early morning Seminary, and have already started to refer to themselves as "members." It's going to be great to help them progress even more in the Gospel.
We had Zone Conference with Elder Robbins from the Seventy. He gave a talk last General Conference about having a "to Be" list.... I recommend reading and IMPLEMENTING a To Be list! It will help you so much. If you are struggling with anything, focus more on the Christlike attributes that you can improve upon and learn more about and you'll find yourself having more success and will be happier.
Apparently there is some crazy weather happening out east? We don't hear anything so keep me posted with some of the headlines.
Life as a missionary is Great, Going senior companion has been a struggle and a blessing. There have been so many times already where I've felt and increased feeling of the spirit, and have tried my best to follow those promptings. It's amazing to feel this way, and to have the help from God about what we should do or say. We have so much work to do here to get the area back into shape, and to help the people here as best we can, but we do have a few Perfect Beings on our side that are doing more of the work than we realize.
Got to Run,
Welcome little Morgan Middleton! Cutest little M&M Ever!
Keep reading! Study Preach My Gospel, there are so many things in there that will help you through your struggles!
Love Elder Rees
Hey Friends and Family!
Welcome to Crawfordsville, Claim to fame is "Ben Hur" really go look it up! Right here in my little town. Other cool things, Wabash College for men.... an all boys private college.... Apparently it's pretty prestigious, but I hadn't heard of it, it has about 900 guys that attend.
Ooooh, there is also found here 2 of the Biggest Anti-LDS churches in the world here. They make annual trips to Manti for the pageant, and i think some even go to SLC for conference. I got to talk to one the other day... He asked me about Joseph Smith's 29 wives, and how 11 of them had other husbands that weren't dead, and how come i followed a prophet who had committed adultery.... It's going to be a fun transfer, and I'm going to learn a lot about Anti material.
I'm now Serving with Elder Magleby. He's from Provo UT, and has been out Exactly the same amount of time as me! That's right We were in the same MTC District together. He's great! He's a totally different missionary from the MTC. He used to fall asleep in class, and now he's so Obedient, and motivated, and really loves the work. We are going to work hard together, and get along pretty good.
We did get Emergency transferred in, but for reasons that are unknown to me. All we were told is that the past missionaries weren't working well as a companionship, and that a change had to be made immediately... So we both got moved in here.
We have been here for less than a week, and it's going pretty well! We have a wonderfully supportive ward, and bishopric, and we have several people who are prepared for baptism, or will be soon. 2 of them are non members that are attending Early morning Seminary, and have already started to refer to themselves as "members." It's going to be great to help them progress even more in the Gospel.
We had Zone Conference with Elder Robbins from the Seventy. He gave a talk last General Conference about having a "to Be" list.... I recommend reading and IMPLEMENTING a To Be list! It will help you so much. If you are struggling with anything, focus more on the Christlike attributes that you can improve upon and learn more about and you'll find yourself having more success and will be happier.
Apparently there is some crazy weather happening out east? We don't hear anything so keep me posted with some of the headlines.
Life as a missionary is Great, Going senior companion has been a struggle and a blessing. There have been so many times already where I've felt and increased feeling of the spirit, and have tried my best to follow those promptings. It's amazing to feel this way, and to have the help from God about what we should do or say. We have so much work to do here to get the area back into shape, and to help the people here as best we can, but we do have a few Perfect Beings on our side that are doing more of the work than we realize.
Got to Run,
Welcome little Morgan Middleton! Cutest little M&M Ever!
Keep reading! Study Preach My Gospel, there are so many things in there that will help you through your struggles!
Love Elder Rees
August 22, 2011
Farewell Mishawaka
Hey I'm including a few extra people today, just in case some of you aren't around a computer you can get this and see what is going on.
Well today is my final P Day in Mishawaka... Wow, i was expecting about 5 more... I found out Sunday night that I'm going to be moving to Crawfordsville as part of an Emergency Transfer situation. I'm not sure what happened with the Elders there, but they are now gone, and Myself and another Elder I came out with will be double transferred into that area on Wednesday... So i have 2 days to pack and get some things in order.
So if you have a letter hold on to it for a week or send it to the Mission home address, which i know has been posted in one of the first blog posts so go back and look it up, or wait till next p day and I'll have my new address.
Mom, thanks for the Banana bread, it got a little disfigured, but not too bad, and I had another Elder eat some, he said it's the best he's had, regardless of what it looked like.... It really did keep its form pretty well in the mail system. Jodi and Mandy, thanks for the package! It was great! the Scentsy's stuff was perfect. I brought a bottle out, and my companion loved it, and to have 2 more "man" smells is going to be great! The treats were awesome too!
I'm sad to be leaving my Companion Elder Eames.... We have had so many good times, but I have learned so much from him, and am so glad to have been blessed to be his companion.
This last week we faced so much opposition.... We went into visit a few members, and an investigator in 2 separate apartment complexes, and we were harassed by workers of those complexes for "no soliciting" but they can't stop us from visiting people we already know, or people who are members of our church, but they are just a pain, and frustrate us. We also went tracting in an are we have not been in before, and we started to approach a house, we were still on the neighbors sidewalk, and the gentleman in the house we were going towards comes out of his house with a baseball bat on his shoulder, and said "Don't even think about it!" I don't entirely know what he thought it is we do.... but i guess he doesn't like to meet new people. We froze in our tracks, and he pointed the baseball bat away from his house, and said "that way, now!" My companions frustrations came out, "A Simple no would have worked" HAHAHA oh man, We talked about it later, and we wanted to go back and start preaching in his street, i mean really what was he going to do hit us? We have a cop in our bishopric... We'd have so many police there and he'd have our Mission President (lawyer) to thank for the few nights in jail. Hahaha So many could have's in that story, but we were safe, and left chuckling to ourselves. You always get the best stories while tracting.
We haven't had very many "yes please come back" type of responses lately, mainly we just get "no, I'm catholic, baptist, Pentecostal, or something" There are a few "Super Churches" here.... I'm talking they are as big as shopping malls, and have services for all different types of people... Great and Spacious buildings, with slides that lead into classrooms (really they have one) and slides that lead others away from the True Gospel, and order of God.
Anyway.... This week is full of changes, so I'll for sure keep you all posted. I'm glad to see little Opal made it safe! She's So Cute! I hope Tiff's delivery goes as well!
Mom i did go to a Dr here in South Bend, but because of the move i won't be going back... you may see some info come through insurance for a 75.00 consultation fee... I paid cash, so if they (insurance) gives a refund then just deposit it.
I found out I'll be about 9 months with out a tooth, and will have a Fantastic Flipper again.... UGH, I will miss not being about to enunciate words... But such is the life. The xray shows my bone loss is about half way up my implant... And they'll have to bore out the rest... Really they have a round drill bit that will cut around the implant i think of a saw that cuts can lights out for ceilings.... something that i didn't need to hear about before the procedure, but it will be all good.
Well more to come later, when i get moved and settled!
Love you all, Keep those Nieces and Nephew safe!
Keep going to church all of you!
Love Elder Rees
Hey I'm including a few extra people today, just in case some of you aren't around a computer you can get this and see what is going on.
Well today is my final P Day in Mishawaka... Wow, i was expecting about 5 more... I found out Sunday night that I'm going to be moving to Crawfordsville as part of an Emergency Transfer situation. I'm not sure what happened with the Elders there, but they are now gone, and Myself and another Elder I came out with will be double transferred into that area on Wednesday... So i have 2 days to pack and get some things in order.
So if you have a letter hold on to it for a week or send it to the Mission home address, which i know has been posted in one of the first blog posts so go back and look it up, or wait till next p day and I'll have my new address.
Mom, thanks for the Banana bread, it got a little disfigured, but not too bad, and I had another Elder eat some, he said it's the best he's had, regardless of what it looked like.... It really did keep its form pretty well in the mail system. Jodi and Mandy, thanks for the package! It was great! the Scentsy's stuff was perfect. I brought a bottle out, and my companion loved it, and to have 2 more "man" smells is going to be great! The treats were awesome too!
I'm sad to be leaving my Companion Elder Eames.... We have had so many good times, but I have learned so much from him, and am so glad to have been blessed to be his companion.
This last week we faced so much opposition.... We went into visit a few members, and an investigator in 2 separate apartment complexes, and we were harassed by workers of those complexes for "no soliciting" but they can't stop us from visiting people we already know, or people who are members of our church, but they are just a pain, and frustrate us. We also went tracting in an are we have not been in before, and we started to approach a house, we were still on the neighbors sidewalk, and the gentleman in the house we were going towards comes out of his house with a baseball bat on his shoulder, and said "Don't even think about it!" I don't entirely know what he thought it is we do.... but i guess he doesn't like to meet new people. We froze in our tracks, and he pointed the baseball bat away from his house, and said "that way, now!" My companions frustrations came out, "A Simple no would have worked" HAHAHA oh man, We talked about it later, and we wanted to go back and start preaching in his street, i mean really what was he going to do hit us? We have a cop in our bishopric... We'd have so many police there and he'd have our Mission President (lawyer) to thank for the few nights in jail. Hahaha So many could have's in that story, but we were safe, and left chuckling to ourselves. You always get the best stories while tracting.
We haven't had very many "yes please come back" type of responses lately, mainly we just get "no, I'm catholic, baptist, Pentecostal, or something" There are a few "Super Churches" here.... I'm talking they are as big as shopping malls, and have services for all different types of people... Great and Spacious buildings, with slides that lead into classrooms (really they have one) and slides that lead others away from the True Gospel, and order of God.
Anyway.... This week is full of changes, so I'll for sure keep you all posted. I'm glad to see little Opal made it safe! She's So Cute! I hope Tiff's delivery goes as well!
Mom i did go to a Dr here in South Bend, but because of the move i won't be going back... you may see some info come through insurance for a 75.00 consultation fee... I paid cash, so if they (insurance) gives a refund then just deposit it.
I found out I'll be about 9 months with out a tooth, and will have a Fantastic Flipper again.... UGH, I will miss not being about to enunciate words... But such is the life. The xray shows my bone loss is about half way up my implant... And they'll have to bore out the rest... Really they have a round drill bit that will cut around the implant i think of a saw that cuts can lights out for ceilings.... something that i didn't need to hear about before the procedure, but it will be all good.
Well more to come later, when i get moved and settled!
Love you all, Keep those Nieces and Nephew safe!
Keep going to church all of you!
Love Elder Rees
August 15, 2011
Well this week has been good! We only have about 40 minutes to email today.... We have a member taking us out to lunch, so we have very limited time today. This week has been great! We have been trying to get our area moving again... It seems that the few weeks following a baptism the other areas of missionary work go down... such as we no longer have an investigator at church, but a new member, and we no longer are teaching investigators, but Recent converts. So our numbers go down a little bit, but it's good because we are still helping out the ward and those around us. We haven't had anything really exciting happen, no car wrecks... a few close calls while on our bikes :) people don't usually watch for us, but we are quick.
It's amazing here... There are so many people that have a belief in Jesus Christ, but won't listen... I wonder if some of Christ's miracles such as healing the blind or the deaf, meant that he opened they eyes and ears of those around Him...? Just a thought. We don't often find people who don't have a faith, but this week we did. We met a nice young lady, 28ish, and she has 4 kids, and no husband. Her fiance died tragically before they got married, and now she is just mad at God. She has never set foot in a church, and gets most of her understanding of God, and Prayer and Religion from TV.... Great source right? We knew we'd need to go slow and really teach her the basics. She wanted to go into our church and confess all of her sins, and get things off her chest to someone who wouldn't judge her, but we don't really do that with our bishops... I wouldn't want to do that to a bishop. But we did teach her about prayer, and the healing power of being able to talk with God openly, and seek his help, what an amazing blessing I've taken for granted so many times in my life. We followed up with her a few days later and she said she'd tried praying and that she felt so much better afterwards. It's a small testimony, but a foundation nonetheless. She'll be a slow convert if she fully accepts this, but she is willing to try things, and more importantly we are simply allowing the Spirit to testify to her that this is true. I'm realizing more and more that we are only here to create the opportunity for the spirit to testify, it's not us that does the teaching.
We have Presidents interviews this week, and the week after we have Zone Conference. We get to hear from Elder Robbins of the Seventy. It will be great to have a General Authority from the Church here to teach us.
Well got to run this is a busy day!
Well it's about time to leave! Till next week and with love
Elder Rees
It's amazing here... There are so many people that have a belief in Jesus Christ, but won't listen... I wonder if some of Christ's miracles such as healing the blind or the deaf, meant that he opened they eyes and ears of those around Him...? Just a thought. We don't often find people who don't have a faith, but this week we did. We met a nice young lady, 28ish, and she has 4 kids, and no husband. Her fiance died tragically before they got married, and now she is just mad at God. She has never set foot in a church, and gets most of her understanding of God, and Prayer and Religion from TV.... Great source right? We knew we'd need to go slow and really teach her the basics. She wanted to go into our church and confess all of her sins, and get things off her chest to someone who wouldn't judge her, but we don't really do that with our bishops... I wouldn't want to do that to a bishop. But we did teach her about prayer, and the healing power of being able to talk with God openly, and seek his help, what an amazing blessing I've taken for granted so many times in my life. We followed up with her a few days later and she said she'd tried praying and that she felt so much better afterwards. It's a small testimony, but a foundation nonetheless. She'll be a slow convert if she fully accepts this, but she is willing to try things, and more importantly we are simply allowing the Spirit to testify to her that this is true. I'm realizing more and more that we are only here to create the opportunity for the spirit to testify, it's not us that does the teaching.
We have Presidents interviews this week, and the week after we have Zone Conference. We get to hear from Elder Robbins of the Seventy. It will be great to have a General Authority from the Church here to teach us.
Well got to run this is a busy day!
Well it's about time to leave! Till next week and with love
Elder Rees
August 8, 2011
6 Months...
Well 6 Months finally came, and went! It wasn't as cool as you may think. A big milestone like this really made me look back and think about the last 6 months, and what I have accomplished as a missionary. I also get to think about my goals that I set/ thought about when, when I first started, and how I'm doing on those. I came out kind of frustrated not really thinking too much about changing myself but more about all of the things that I struggle with... My companion and I talked about it a lot last night, and we realized that I tend to compare myself to those around me.... and how well they are doing is how well i should be doing. My mind doesn't comprehend the fact that most I'm comparing myself to are almost going home. It's hard for me not to compare myself to others, and feel like I'm falling short.
I know that my purpose as a missionary is Simply to Invite others to come unto Christ, by helping them receive the Restored Gospel, through faith in Jesus Christ, and his atonement, Repentance, baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy ghost and Enduring to the End. It's simple... INVITE! 6 months in, and I've seen wonderful success already, sure it's not a Brazil mission where you get blessed with tons of baptisms... I don't think they ever drain their fonts.... but I've seen the miracles of people accepting this message and being happier! I get too caught up in the logistics of being a missionary that I forget to have fun, and do missionary work.
So yes, sorry that was a tangent i didn't want to go to but i did... So how did i celebrate my 6 month mark... Well lets go to 8/1/2011.... 1 week ago, we started celebrating the day before... By getting into a car wreck! We were just so excited we just pulled right out into oncoming traffic. :) No actually here is the story, we were going to the church for some P day activities, and we were pulling out of our house, but couldn't see because there were cars parked on the street. We were super careful too! We waited and watched for cars for a few minutes and thought we were clear to head East, but a car headed west was hidden, and hit us! Our car got the front end essentially taken off, and we were left sitting there facing the opposite direction... She was going about 35, and we were just pulling out. We were lucky we weren't further out in the road or we would have been broadsided, and that would have caused much more injury to us and to the other driver... who was OK too by the way.
8/2/2011 was the official 6 month mark, and it was fun. I was on exchange with another Elder, who came out with me, so it was fun to have both of us take pictures and burn ties together! His name is Elder Pachner, (Pock ner) he's from California. Celebrations are now continuing today, because my companion and I get to stay together for another 6 weeks! It's Great! it's the first time on my mission that i don't get to go to transfer meeting. It's going to be great! Not only do we get along super well but we are learning a lot from each other, and are making great strides here in our area. We are anticipating a few more baptisms this transfer 5 hopefully!!! So that would be so fun if they all progressed and worked out that well!
Well i don't have much time, Life here is good, and I'll keep you all informed with my tooth issues, and I'll try and send pictures home soon. I need to get an attachment for my SD card so i can email pictures home, but maybe another time!
Love you all, things are great!
Love Elder Rees
Well 6 Months finally came, and went! It wasn't as cool as you may think. A big milestone like this really made me look back and think about the last 6 months, and what I have accomplished as a missionary. I also get to think about my goals that I set/ thought about when, when I first started, and how I'm doing on those. I came out kind of frustrated not really thinking too much about changing myself but more about all of the things that I struggle with... My companion and I talked about it a lot last night, and we realized that I tend to compare myself to those around me.... and how well they are doing is how well i should be doing. My mind doesn't comprehend the fact that most I'm comparing myself to are almost going home. It's hard for me not to compare myself to others, and feel like I'm falling short.
I know that my purpose as a missionary is Simply to Invite others to come unto Christ, by helping them receive the Restored Gospel, through faith in Jesus Christ, and his atonement, Repentance, baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy ghost and Enduring to the End. It's simple... INVITE! 6 months in, and I've seen wonderful success already, sure it's not a Brazil mission where you get blessed with tons of baptisms... I don't think they ever drain their fonts.... but I've seen the miracles of people accepting this message and being happier! I get too caught up in the logistics of being a missionary that I forget to have fun, and do missionary work.
So yes, sorry that was a tangent i didn't want to go to but i did... So how did i celebrate my 6 month mark... Well lets go to 8/1/2011.... 1 week ago, we started celebrating the day before... By getting into a car wreck! We were just so excited we just pulled right out into oncoming traffic. :) No actually here is the story, we were going to the church for some P day activities, and we were pulling out of our house, but couldn't see because there were cars parked on the street. We were super careful too! We waited and watched for cars for a few minutes and thought we were clear to head East, but a car headed west was hidden, and hit us! Our car got the front end essentially taken off, and we were left sitting there facing the opposite direction... She was going about 35, and we were just pulling out. We were lucky we weren't further out in the road or we would have been broadsided, and that would have caused much more injury to us and to the other driver... who was OK too by the way.
8/2/2011 was the official 6 month mark, and it was fun. I was on exchange with another Elder, who came out with me, so it was fun to have both of us take pictures and burn ties together! His name is Elder Pachner, (Pock ner) he's from California. Celebrations are now continuing today, because my companion and I get to stay together for another 6 weeks! It's Great! it's the first time on my mission that i don't get to go to transfer meeting. It's going to be great! Not only do we get along super well but we are learning a lot from each other, and are making great strides here in our area. We are anticipating a few more baptisms this transfer 5 hopefully!!! So that would be so fun if they all progressed and worked out that well!
Well i don't have much time, Life here is good, and I'll keep you all informed with my tooth issues, and I'll try and send pictures home soon. I need to get an attachment for my SD card so i can email pictures home, but maybe another time!
Love you all, things are great!
Love Elder Rees
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