Hey Friends and Family!
Welcome to Crawfordsville, Claim to fame is "Ben Hur" really go look it up! Right here in my little town. Other cool things, Wabash College for men.... an all boys private college.... Apparently it's pretty prestigious, but I hadn't heard of it, it has about 900 guys that attend.
Ooooh, there is also found here 2 of the Biggest Anti-LDS churches in the world here. They make annual trips to Manti for the pageant, and i think some even go to SLC for conference. I got to talk to one the other day... He asked me about Joseph Smith's 29 wives, and how 11 of them had other husbands that weren't dead, and how come i followed a prophet who had committed adultery.... It's going to be a fun transfer, and I'm going to learn a lot about Anti material.
I'm now Serving with Elder Magleby. He's from Provo UT, and has been out Exactly the same amount of time as me! That's right We were in the same MTC District together. He's great! He's a totally different missionary from the MTC. He used to fall asleep in class, and now he's so Obedient, and motivated, and really loves the work. We are going to work hard together, and get along pretty good.
We did get Emergency transferred in, but for reasons that are unknown to me. All we were told is that the past missionaries weren't working well as a companionship, and that a change had to be made immediately... So we both got moved in here.
We have been here for less than a week, and it's going pretty well! We have a wonderfully supportive ward, and bishopric, and we have several people who are prepared for baptism, or will be soon. 2 of them are non members that are attending Early morning Seminary, and have already started to refer to themselves as "members." It's going to be great to help them progress even more in the Gospel.
We had Zone Conference with Elder Robbins from the Seventy. He gave a talk last General Conference about having a "to Be" list.... I recommend reading and IMPLEMENTING a To Be list! It will help you so much. If you are struggling with anything, focus more on the Christlike attributes that you can improve upon and learn more about and you'll find yourself having more success and will be happier.
Apparently there is some crazy weather happening out east? We don't hear anything so keep me posted with some of the headlines.
Life as a missionary is Great, Going senior companion has been a struggle and a blessing. There have been so many times already where I've felt and increased feeling of the spirit, and have tried my best to follow those promptings. It's amazing to feel this way, and to have the help from God about what we should do or say. We have so much work to do here to get the area back into shape, and to help the people here as best we can, but we do have a few Perfect Beings on our side that are doing more of the work than we realize.
Got to Run,
Welcome little Morgan Middleton! Cutest little M&M Ever!
Keep reading! Study Preach My Gospel, there are so many things in there that will help you through your struggles!
Love Elder Rees
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