OK, so with a Double Emergency Transfer we have been super busy! We have been going around like crazy trying to get to know as many people as possible. There are so many things that I'm neglecting as a senior companion and feel like I'm forgetting to enjoy the work. We have met several people this week who are very promising, but then we went to one today, and she asked us not to come back...? We saw her looking over her shoulder as if her husband would have beat her if he knew we were there.... Sad. But what can we do.
We have been welcomed so much by the ward, and have really loved getting to know the people here. They are so strong in the church and in there testimonies. With the holiday yesterday we are emailing today, and we should have come this morning, but we are now here and struggling with time to get this done. Sorry this email will be so scattered.
Good news: we set a baptismal date with one of our investigators for 9/1/2011, we are excited and as long as he shows up for church on Sundays we'll be good to get him wet! He has a a really strong testimony and we are excited to help him make that covenant. We have been working hard to get to know some of the Less actives, and the Part member families in the ward, and there are several whom we can make appointments with, and help others get baptised as well. We are hoping to set more baptismal dates in the very near future, as long as agency doesn't get in the way... (teasing).
Well next week I'll be sending some pictures via email, i got a converter that will help me upload pictures on any computer so it will be great to send some and save on printing them out.
Well sorry this is going to be so short! We have NO TIME!!! EVER! We have been blessed with many new contacts, but we simply need them to keep appointments, and then we'll really count our blessings.
Love Elder Rees
This is the pet I want when I get home.
Me with the "Spirit"
Our car after our wreck!
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