Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 5, 2011

Hey Family!  It's beginning to look not so much like Christmas...  Only a little though. 

I was so blessed to get a couple of amazing packages this week in the mail!  We were talking with a member who asked if we had any Christmas decorations and we don't, and that same day in the mail I got this from my awesome sister Heather!   Ornaments included! 

Thank you Heather for this Awesome Christmas Tree!  You'll see that there is even a present under the tree!  Thanks to Grandma Gwen for that!   She said I can open it early and put it to use, so i just may later today!

I may have shared with you a story about Abbi...

If not here is a quick recap.  Abbi is an investigator, but isn't taking the missionary lessons.  She's been attending seminary, (early) daily, and has really grown in her testimony.  She was always drawn to her friend Alexis, and the spirit she felt while at their home.  This led her to investigate why...   Her parents aren't religious, and really don't believe in God, but over the course of the last year, Abbi, has learned for herself that "God is real, He Loves me, and He has a Son, named Jesus, Who is my Savior."  What more powerful of a testimony could you ask for!  She's been to the Temple waiting room, and felt this "burning" of her soul, and has felt that on a number of other occasions! 

We were invited over to Alexis' house to share a meal, and a few spiritual thoughts, and Abbi says she's now ready to live this gospel.  She's been living it for a long time now, but is now ready for the commitment of being baptized.  She does want her family to be OK with her decision to join The Church, but knows that this is where she wants to be.  She wants to raise her family in this gospel, and be married in the temple!  We went through the baptismal interview questions and she says "those are easy!"  hahaha  Oh man she is so ready to enjoy the blessings of the Holy Ghost.  We are hopeful that her baptismal day could be in the next few weeks, she is ready and could be baptized anytime. 

My Companion, Elder Rivest, is doing great!  He's learning very quickly.  There are so many times throughout our week however that he's the teacher and I'm the student.  The spirit works through him so often!  I'm loving being apart of his training and helping him learn to be a missionary. 

Others in our area are progressing too!   We had a wonderful experience this week.  We were supposed to have an appointment with a lady in a town about 8 miles south of us, and when we got to her house we saw another car there... Anyway, she had company over, and tried calling us, and left a message asking if we could reschedule, she was sorry, and really did try to let us know.  We then went to our backup plan, and visited a young single mother in the same town we had made contact with about a month before.   She was glad to have us in her home again.  She shared with us a few experiences of her own she'd had over the last month.  Her 4 year old asked, "can we be buried together?"  And "mom make sure we are together in Heaven..."  A few days later her 7 year old says... "Mom, Hell would be a really bad place to spend Eternity.... do you know how long Eternity is...?  Well all I'm saying is that I'm going to be good from now on, and want us all to be good too."  1 more week later and she was at her daughters preschool picking her up, and the teacher ran up and gave her a big hug.  Saying that she (the teacher) had had a dream about her, and that when she came up to pick up her daughter that she passed out, and  they couldn't revive her...

By this point our investigator was a little overwhelmed with all of these things, and went back to investigate... She asked her 4 year old daughter... "what would make you ask such questions?"  "God and Jesus told me to tell you... and that you would go away for a while but we would be with you again..." 

Now she is really shaken up. 

We met with her, and discussed a few topics that were on her mind.  After clearing up the Multiple marriage thing, We talked about Gods commandments, Specifically the Word of Wisdom.  She asked what we believed about smoking drinking and more importantly Marijuana...  We shared that God has called prophets for our day, to direct us against Satan and his evil designs.  She seemed to feel that it's her vs. the world.  It's so evil, and she wants to give her kids the best chance possible.  We simply had to make the connections for her that the Gospel is the way!  And that we can help, and there are people who hold these same values, and to surround yourself, and your kids with these things!  

I was talking with my companion afterward, and realized that IF we would have gotten the message to not come down to visit our first appointment.... we would not have gone.... and we would not have gotten to meet with this other lady...   WOW!  RIGHT!?  God really does have his hand in our work, and is making it possible for those that are prepared to find the gospel, Find it! 

Cool stuff yeah!?  these things happen so often I love it! 

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