Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012

Ok family for the sake of Time today, I'm including you all in my letter to President Collins...  It was easier to type one letter today, and not have to worry about typing two! 

Love you all! 

Hello President Collins,

OK, well here we are, Monday again!  

I have a request.... Sister Cindy Miller in Logansport is Requesting me to be the one to baptize her on Feb 4th...  I just wanted to seek permission to attend, and perform that ordinance for her...  Sorry, I was typing this in the middle of the email, but moved it to the front and center!   Let me know what you think... I do understand if I'm in C-Ville, I'll have Blake's on the same day, and wouldn't attend hers, and If I'm Really far away that would make it difficult to attend... But I know it would mean the World to sister miller, and myself!  Thanks President! 

Updates...  Blake is still on for Feb 4th,

we also set a baptismal day with Brother Baker Feb 18th!   He's very excited and thirsty for the gospel.  I have truly loved teaching him, and his family.  There is a little fear for him that he'll make this step without his wife... his kids he know will eventually follow, and yet we still want them to gain their own understanding, he feels the same way.  His wife has been getting some anti from family, and has been thinking about this and the fact that her family (parents etc) would reject her and her decision to join the church.  We are planning to teach them the Plan of Salvation tonight, and help the WHOLE family see the bigger picture and understand how they will be able to be together! 

Crawfordsville is SO Great!  The youth are volunteering to come to our teaching appointments with Blake, and we have several other prospects!  Members keep giving Referrals!  We don't really have to ask anymore!  They want us to follow up with people, old friends, and meet new people!  It's been so fun to have this level of trust here!  I know that no matter what happens with transfers this area has been what I needed, and have really loved experiencing the work, and how preach my gospel says to further it in any area. 

Elder Rivest has been taking control of more and more lately.  it has been my goal to really step back, which is a struggle, but I see the good it's doing and will continue to do.  He's taking charge in lessons, and is striving to get the lessons to flow.  There are still times I give a little push, but then allow him to run with it.  I'm not perfect at this yet, but these last 2 weeks of the transfer will be great to continue to practice it.  We have been blessed to find new people this week, and to really work hard with Blake, and the Baker Family!  I know that this area needed us, and we needed it! 

I'm almost at a year mark, and have begun to see a change in myself, and my desires to serve a more righteous mission... I'm studying the attributes, and am loving it and learning so much!  I'm gaining from my study, and really hope to utilize these as i continue to serve in any capacity even if that meant a JR. Companion!   I have seen that the work will go one!  He's always preparing people, and as we strive for a greater companionship with the Spirit, We WILL FIND!  We will teach, and we will Baptize!   I'm gaining such a strong testimony of faith, and working hard!  Obedience is something that I know will create a protection for me, and any of my companions!  The things I'm learning here I also see how they will impact my life in the future!  I have wonderful siblings that have made me see that life goes on after a mission, and it gets busier!  So be prepared, study hard, and learn all I can now and then apply it as I go! 

Love Elder Rees

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