Monday, January 16, 2012

January 9, 2012

OK!  Family and Friends...

2012 is HERE!  It makes me think of that song... "it's the end of the world as we know it..."  HA!  Just kidding!  I totally don't believe in the hocus pocus!  We were talking the other day with a recent convert of about a year, and she was very anxious about the whole 2012 thing, and I gained an even greater testimony of prophets... I know we have a TRUE prophet, and if he says something, then I'll start worrying... However, don't get me wrong, Don't procrastinate the day of your repentance!  

Well 2011 went out with flare!   We were able to take part in a baptism of Sister Wilson!  I call her that, because it's been a joke with her for a long time that she wasn't a "member" even though her testimony far exceeds a lot of members.  She's so strong in her faith, and trust in God, and truly has been converted.  It was awesome to be at her baptism.  We had a full house, literally we had the chapel nearly full!  It was so cool!  We all filed into the relief society room, and there was standing room only, and we had several people out in the hall... us included... so we didn't even get to watch the actual ordinance... oh well it still counts. 

It's amazing to see how the Lord works.  The week following her baptism, we had 2 non-members, non-investigators approach us and inform us that they wanted to be baptized as well.  I know that the spirit works with those whom are prepared, and it was amazing to have them approach us, and begin the process of learning, and gaining a testimony.  We actually were able to set another baptismal date with another young person here in C-ville on Sunday, the 8th...  It is so cool to watch as this kid stands alone in his family.  His parents are supportive but not interested in learning about the church for themselves.  They are wonderfully nice people and I pray that the spirit will work through their son to soften their hearts. 

Well I'm still training Elder Rivest, It's still a wonderful experience!  We have had so much success, and have really seen how the Lord has worked with us, and with the people in our area. 

We have found many new people to teach, and are hopeful that they are getting closer to baptism.  A highlight over the last few weeks is a family of 7!!  5 Kids ages 15-12, and 2 parents.  They are progressing fast, and we have high hopes of a family baptism!  I've come to see just how rare those are on the mission, so to watch that would be a wonderful blessing. 

We had interviews this past week, and I always love being around President and Sister Collins.  They are some of my favorite people, and I feel so happy to be with them for my entire mission.  They always build me up, and express their thanks for the things that I bring to the mission... 25 years of experience and maturity isn't that much.... but compared to a few of the 19 year olds it is a big contrast at times.  I love their confidence that they have in me, and it makes me realize that God has the same confidence in all of us.  He trusts us, and wants us to do better, and is giving us experiences and trials to help us grow.  Training has been hard at times, and also very rewarding.  I have learned to love my companion for who they are... even if they are very strange and I feel they have split personalities at times...  That is whom the Lord called here!  and He needs all of that person to be here.  It's OK to be loopy, but you also have to find a balance, we are still representing the Lord here.  I told President Collins I've loved training, and I truly have!  and would be happy to do it again in a heart beat!  I know that we are chosen to bless the lives of those God wants us to.  We are placed in the right area, or circumstances to do the most good and the right time!  I find the hardest part of training is letting my trainee drown...  I have a hard time stepping back and allowing him to learn from the goods and the bads, it's hard!  I jump in too often, and am setting goals this week to really allow him the time to learn on his own. 

OK, so I've been talking a bunch, well rambling is a more appropriate word...  I hope that all of the thoughts i have been typing are making any sense. 

Life is good, Transfers are on the 25th...  which will be 5 months here in C-ville.... It's about time i go somewhere else... I'd be sad to go, but excited for something different. 

Love you all! 

Love Elder Rees

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