Monday, April 9, 2012

April 2, 2012

Hey, Yes Conference was great! We got to go to our chapel and watch it. it's like our version of the religious SuperBowl! Well, conference was amazing. It was a much needed inoculation to a wounded heart. By that I mean that it's been an overwhelming few weeks. I have a very bad habit of comparing myself to others, and have made a few "mistakes" in conversations with other missionaries, and I always seem to be judged as we work or teach.... it's me that's judging myself, not from my companion. Anyway... I have been feeling really down lately, and it showed in the work here... I would just sit in lessons and listen, I didn't care too much to say anything and felt completely unaware of any prompting to contribute to the lessons. Obviously my companion noticed, and questioned what was the matter... As far as i could see, nothing. I have no reason to be sad, it's just happening. 

Deep down i still feel worried and compared to others in the ZL calling, They are wonderful, insightful, powerful missionaries, and I don't yet see myself in their league.... President and Sister Collins do, and are quick to remind me, but the internal switch hadn't really flipped for me yet. 

Conference was great... We were encouraging our investigators to write down some questions of things that they were struggling with, or things they wanted answers to. I love Elder Hollands talk, He look right at the camera, and said for any that were wondering if they should join this church, to JOIN! It was powerful as he invited them all to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, right at that very moment, and follow those promptings. It was as if a miracle had happened, and he spoke, and the Heavens responded with the presence of the Holy Ghost being felt strongly!

There were a lot of talks on Families. I have truly felt the promptings of the spirit here on the mission that starting a family of my own is a great honor and responsibility that when my mission is completed that will be the next ordinance and goal to work towards.

It was very easy for me to take the council given to current families and apply them to the Zone, and work in leadership and truly helping others gain a testimony of this gospel, or strengthen the testimony of the one who is struggling or wayward. Needless to say that conference was for sure a revelatory and sacred experience that I hope repeats as long as I live on this earth. DON'T overlook the importance of ATTENDING conference, even if that is in your own home! It is a surprise to hear that you didn't take as much of an opportunity to listen to our prophet, one called by God, this weekend. Don't let the world (chores) keep you from learning what the Lord has inspired us to learn this next 6 months. Satan is sly, and works in simple ways to keep us from hearing or partaking of those words... Those words are words of God, and answers to prayers.

Well life here is good, we are working hard. This week was a busy week for meetings and planning, which meant that our numbers went down a bit, but that was ok, there are two sides to the work, and I'm seeing how they have to be unified. We have to be effective at ministering and Administering the gospel! 

Well Better run! We are off to have lunch with the Jensen Family from Crawfordsville! They are passing through on their way to a week of camping (spring break) and are stopping to have picnic at the church with us.

 Love you!
Love Elder Rees

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