Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

Happy Late Easter....

OK, well we had so much fun this Easter.  Our ward decided to do our Fast and Testimony meeting on Easter Sunday... that made it kind of interesting.  There were so many people that testified or "thanked" about Joseph Smith.  I know that the Church just celebrated another anniversary of the Restoration, but Easter is Christs day!   He really only has 2 key days, let him have it.  Anyway.  We had a good time at church.  I sometimes struggle with our ward.  We have good people but no one seems to be connected with the other...  I've been in some wards that everyone knows and helps each other... the congregate with the congregation...  funny how when that happens the work flourishes.

Well since we were fasting our afternoon break was spent inside and all Black Baptist Church!  That's right, we went and scouted the competition.  I must say it was like going to a play.  The Pastor was great, he for sure practices in front of a mirror.  Anyway, this church was a Mega-Church.  It felt more like an auditorium, than a chapel, it was bigger than the auditorium in Lyman High.   There were anywhere from 2000-2500 people there, and Elder White and I were the only white people there, well there was 1 other white guy but...  HA!  It made for some awkward stares, but we made the best of it.  The service was started by a "worship"  which really just meant that their Choir sang, they were awesome!  They were backed up by a bass player, organ and piano, and drums.  My ears hurt the music was so loud.  Then the pastor gets up and starts a prayer..... It got really quiet, but the organ was still playing and he just kept repeating "thank you Jesus!"  Over and over!  then without and delay he was into his sermon, he taught 3 little stories, and they seemed more like good advice, and not doctrine, then it was time for another prayer but it just flowed into a prayer....  Everyone stood and held their hands open, some over their heads, and others just in front of  them, they started swaying and amens all over!  It was a really fun experience to try and figure out what was going on.    Very little doctrine was taught.  This I felt totally sets our church apart!  WE TEACH THE DOCTRINE.  He focused on the crucifixion and the Resurrection, but that was about it.  He took 8 verses from the scriptures and re-applied them to our lives today.  He would start in calm voice, and quiet, and by the end of one of his anecdotes, he would be yelling into the mic, and people would be on their feet clapping and yelling, hands in the air!  Oh Praise, Hallelujah!!!    Oh man!  I held back laughing till we were in the car, but it sure was fun.  I'm going to be sending home an MP3 of a few of the things, (These will come as soon as Jodi figures out how to post them!) that's right, Elder White recorded it with his voice recorder!  OH man we have been reliving the whole experience over again!  Kind of neat to see what some of our investigators are used to in church.... They teach a lot of "fluff" and don't really teach you how to be forgiven, or how to change.... they just keep repeating that Jesus can help you, and Pray to Jesus...  Good times! 

We had a very fun dinner with a lady from our ward.  Sister Silk, she is married to a Jewish man, and he's great too.  He celebrates the passover, and we, Easter, but both of us ate ham...  Is that Kosher?!  HA! (little rascals reference)   Well, we had so many good things!  Ham, Potatoes, Gravy, Peas with Mint, Jezebel sauce? it was awesome and we ate it on the ham, asparagus, sweet potatoes, humus, pita  bread, fruit cake stuff, coconut cake, there was this middle eastern stuff.... good but different.  Needless to say it was a great way to break a fast, and enjoy the company of so many different people.  They had friends there that were very artsy... They weren't religious and we were asked prior to coming over to keep the conversation light.  Fun times though.  They are great people, and we had a fun time getting to know them.  One of the ladies was from England and her accent made Elder White talk that way for a few hours....

We also have taught 18 lessons this week!  It was super busy!   It was good to have a few make up lessons from last week were we spent a ton of time doing more administering, instead of ministering.  We got to go on 2 exchanges with elders this week, which is always fun.  It was great to be with a very young elder this week and have a good effect on him.  He has only been out 5 weeks, and he was struggling with home sickness.  He seemed to dread the work everyday, but as we went out we had the right attitude, and had a blast.  By the end of the exchange he was jumping from visit to visit, and had all the confidence in his message and his testimony!  Super fun to see, and to have that kind of effect.  It was a much needed boost for me too.

Well not much else has happened lately.... 

Love you all

Love Elder Rees

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