Wednesday, November 16, 2011

October 31, 2011

Hey family! 

Well this week has been pretty uneventful.  We have had a very slow week as far as teaching appointments, and it's been a struggle to find new people, or teach the ones that we are working with.  So we have been working hard, but not seeing too many numbers from the efforts.  Numbers and blessings will come I know that! 

This week we had 2 things.  Stake Conference, and Transfer Calls (those were this morning)...   Stake Conference was Great!  We had Brother McConkie, from the General Sunday school Presidency here, and he was Excellent!  We were taught so much about the call of teaching... not only investigators, but to our families, and within our church callings.  It was great to hear from him, and to feel of his and the brethren's love for us.
I was also called this morning by my Mission President!  Which means that I'll be spending time in Crawfordsville, training a new missionary!  I am pretty excited... the nerves have not really kicked in yet, nor the realization that this boys entire mission experience can and will change with my efforts in helping him get adapted to the life of the work. 

It's cool that miracles happen!  Thanks for all the care and concern about the tooth... I pulled out the last stitch today, they were supposed to dissolve but they were driving me nuts so i just pulled them.  My joint swelling is back...  I think that will mean more trips to different doctors to find out what is causing the swelling in my feet, knees, and wrists.  I'm always asked if I'm in pain, and i have not yet felt pain associated with them, but more of an annoyance of pressure, or in the best words i can muster, it feels different.  I hope they have an answer for me.

Well it's been such an honor to serve with Elder Magleby...  He's going to be leaving the area, and he's a little bummed about it.  It's such a great ward, and it's going to be hard for him to leave such wonderful friends and people behind.  He's doing great, and is I hope ready for a Senior Companion role here in the mission... I don't know yet if he'll get that assignment. 

OOOOH!!!!   Sweet Story!

OK, you may remember a story a few months ago from my 2nd area... Logansport.   Right before I got transferred we started teaching a lady (Connie) that was a referral from a member out in Arizona...  The member was a Nurse for a man who was dying, and one of his daughters (Connie) came out for the last moments of his life, and that lady lived in Logansport....  Well Connie said on our first meeting that she was planning a fall trip out to SLC for Conference... Well I talked with Elders after Stake Conference was over, and they said that she went, was able to see all 4 sessions, and came home with a Temple Dress!  WHAT!!?!?!?!?   So Stinkin AWESOME!   She has totally received a witness that this church is true, and is  going to be baptized soon, she doesn't have a date yet, but is working on that!   It's so neat to see that a few of the people in whom I've come in contact with are starting to join the church, or are progressing in their testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 

Well other than that more will come next week when I have a new companion, and I hope a few miraculous stories to share from his first week! 

I love you all and hope all is well out west! 

Love Elder Rees

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