Monday, August 13, 2012

August 1, 2012


Not the lame Americanized Chinese food that I love to eat at buffets, and members never seem to stop taking us out to them... but anyway.  REAL Chinese food, made by a Japanese woman....  HA!  oh this is getting complicated...

OK, we have a Chinese couple living in our stake boundaries, they are married, but are attending our singles ward... It's so perfect because they are able to help all the Chinese investigators that we have learn the message in their own language.  Most of our investigators speak very good English, but there are some cultural limits, that Jack and Miki are helping with.  

So we have some pictures for you!  

The first one is of our WONDERFUL dinner that they made for us!  Chicken, Chinese Bread, Fried wonton things... and a bean and Zucchini mixture... and sliced tomatoes.  All of it was super good, and eating it with chop sticks was no big deal.  They all seemed to laugh when we first started, but we both got pretty good by the end of our meal.  One bean at a time... those were the hardest to get.  

Here we have to Americans!  Ha!   It's pretty funny because we had this conversation that all you ever see Asian people doing in pictures is giving the peace sign, so we've decided that from now on we are going to embrace our inner Chinese person, and flash the peace sign too!  We think we are pretty funny, and culturally accepted this way.

And finally there are some of the people that we ate with....   From Left to Right...  Miki, she's Japanese, but was a Chinese major in college and speaks if fluently, and is married to Jack, who isn't in this picture, and he's chinese.  Next is Linyuan... He's an investigator, and is getting baptized the 22nd of Sept!  He's awesome!  Super prepared and feels the spirit anytime he enters the church or members homes...  All we had to do was mention that it was God answering him, and those good feelings are things to seek after.  Next is Sui, we call him Dylan, and he's getting baptized on Saturday!  I love this kid!  he's so solid, and wants to be a good man!  This is helping him a ton.   Last is Like, (Lee KAH)  She's a convert of a year or so, and is teaching our Chinese Gospel Principles class.  She had her parents here from China, and they were at dinner too, but not in the picture...  Very nice wonderful people.  I  wish the church was allowed in mainland china because the people there are very nice, well, at least the ones we are meeting here are, but they are very hungry for the gospel, like I'm hungry for their food! 

Well, All is well at Purdue... We soon will have more students here than we know what to do with!  It's going to be great!  Not much else... thanks for all the letters, and love you send this way!  Love you all! 

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