Monday, August 13, 2012

July 23, 2012

Well Friends and family,

It's official.  I'll forever be a Purdue man!  None of this "I U" stuff.   Well this is a picture of my new companion and I, Elder Beach.  He's from Florida, I think I've said that, but his family is now living in Oregon, in the mountains.  Not kidding, they don't have an address...  Or plumbing.  We have discussed a possible trip to the woods after our return home, and living life a bit more per-historic.  He's great, and is helping me get so much accomplished.  OK, we have a baptism coming up!  His name is Dylan, not really he has a Chinese name, but he goes by Dylan here.  He's great!  Super excited about the gospel, and is soaking it all up!  I have no doubts that one day he'll help the church in china grow!   That's happening on the 4th of Aug.  Super excited.  

We are still teaching tons of Chinese students.  They are so hungry for the gospel.  It's amazing to watch the gospel light up their life.  Truth is eternal, and the soul can recognize it. 

Hmmmm... We've been running almost every day since our transfer has started.  It's been hard to watch myself over the last few transfers add a little weight back on.  I started the mission at 240, and made it down to 227 in a few areas... and then over the last 3 transfers I went back to 240...  But I'm happy to say that the scale today said 234...  Running and eating right has been the help.  We go across the street and run on the cart paths of the golf course in the morning.  It's good, I am almost starting to look forward to it in the mornings.  I have had a suit that is just too small, and it's going to be my coming home suit... I have to fit into it.  I have just 6 more months left, and those 6 months I'm going to have to be dedicated.  

Something else cool...  We too, like out west, have been in one of the worst droughts since like 1985, and before that in the 40's, so it's a for real thing.  Some farmers have even plowed under their crops calling them a total loss.  You have to figure that the farmland out here is used for feed for other animals all over the country, and if feed goes up, the cost of all food is going to go up.  We as a state/mission, all fasted this last week, and are glad to say that today's forecast calls for Rain!   It's so cool to know that we have a loving heavenly Father that listens to our pleas.  I can't help but see the similarity when prophets in the Book of Mormon pray, and plead that if it be His will, that they will smite the people with famine, or they become smitten because of iniquity, and the prayers of the righteous can call down blessings from heaven.  I have loved seeing those similarities to today's world.  

Well not much else.  We have a busy week full of teaching, exchanges in Kokomo, and Logansport (i'm excited to see a few past converts!) and overall, just the busy busy work of the Lord.

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