Monday, August 13, 2012

July 16, 2012

Well I'm sure you are all wondering just where in the world Elder Rees ended up...  

OH MAN!  I'm so excited about this one!  You have no IDEA!  I pretty much flipped out, and held back tears!  

OK, Enough suspense.  I'm now serving as a senior zone leader, in........................ West Lafayette Indiana, at PURDUE UNIVERSITY!  I am so stoked to be here!  It has been such a busy blur since getting here on Wednesday.  I have been blessed to have a new companion, his name is Elder Beach.  He's from Florida, and Oregon.  So Crazy though.  Here is why this is so cool.  I spent 6 weeks living in the apartment just below where i live now... Lafayette 2nd ward was where I started my mission, so I feel like i'm home.  Then I went to Logansport, and spent 3 months there, and was blessed to spend another 5 months in Crawfordsville, all of which are in this zone.  I know this zone so well, and am so looking forward to going on exchanges in these areas and visiting old faces, and helping to find new ones.  It's like a real home coming, for sure!  

Cool things happening: 1. we have 7 people with a date here!  WOW!  I have loved seeing how the people here are so prepared to accept this gospel, and are following Christ into the waters of baptism.  It's pretty cool, we are teaching so many Chinese students here at Purdue, and they are so prepared to find out who God is, and how to follow Him.  There is a little line in Preach my Gospel, that says that the Lord will send you to people or that He'll send people to you... We are not allowed in the main lands of china and so we are blessed to have so many people here that are accepting of His gospel, and are preparing that nation to one day receive the fullness of the truth.  I feel in a way that I'm taking the gospel to china even though i'm not setting foot on its soil.  

We also cover a little branch that doesn't have missionaries.  It's the Williamsport branch.  They are great.  We have about 7 investigators there and most of them have baptismal dates too!  We are planning in august to just spend 1 day baptizing... not kidding, we really are... at least 3 are on the books for one day.  It was very special, but as we prayed with some new investigators there, I had the great feeling of the spirit once again come to my heart and testify that this is the truth.  I have been overwhelmed to say the least with this new area, and the amount of work going on, and this was exactly what my spirit needed.   As I enter the last 6 months of the mission in a few weeks, It's been interesting to review where I've come from, and what I still would like to accomplish...  One thing I feel I'm getting closer to checking off, is the Language of the spirit.  I have had such wonderful confirmations the last few days I'm really beginning to recognize it in the work.. It's been miraculous!   

I hope all continues to go well there!  We are super busy, but I'm loving being busy!  It's getting my heart back into the work, and preparing me for a great last 6 months.  My how time flies!  

Sure do love you all, and think of you often, but not that often, ;)

New address: 

2330 Northwestern Ave #6,
West Lafayette In 47906

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